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24h of Innovation at the Earth Center

A 24-hour meeting on creativity and innovation

The concept? Companies submit topics for innovation in the underground industries to teams of students, who have 24 hours to work on them and come up with original solutions (processes, products, communication campaigns, services, etc.).


Thursday, November 14th

13h00 : Student welcome

14h00 :
Opening ceremony

14h30 :
Choice of topics and formation of teams

15h00 :
Start of the challenge and team work

Friday, November 15

12h00 : Restitution of deliverables

14h00 :
Closing ceremony - Presentation of solutions to the jury and awards ceremony

The 24h of Innovation at the Earth Center 2024 is organized in collaboration with the University of Montpellier and the Terrinov cluster.

Business areas concerned

  • Oil & Gas
  • Mines&Careers
  • Regional planning
  • Underground storage
  • Geothermal
  • Natural hazards
  • Water management
  • Natural Hydrogen

Themes concerned

  • Energy efficiency
  • Energy efficiency
  • Environment
  • Geophysics
  • Geomodeling
  • Drilling and wells
  • Monitoring
  • GIS
  • Tank
  • Digital
  • Societal acceptability


Student participation (meal included) 15 €

Price (members)

Subject submission

SMEs < 20 employees 500 EXCLUDING VAT
SMEs 20 to 99 employees 1000 € EXCL. TAX
SMEs 100 to 250 employees 1500 € EXCL. TAX
SMI > 250 employees 2000 € EXCL. TAX
Large Groups > 5000 people 3000 € EXCL. TAX


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