Our membership offer

Joining the AVENIA cluster means joining a dynamic community of players committed to a collective effort to stimulate innovation and growth in the underground industries.

As a member, you actively contribute to this collaborative ecosystem, sharing your knowledge, expertise and resources, as well as benefiting from the expertise and support of your peers.

It is this collective strength that fosters the emergence of innovative projects and job creation.

Putting you in touch

We facilitate your meetings with companies, researchers, investors and other potential partners within a vast national, European and international network.

Promotion and visibility

We enable you to increase your visibility and attractiveness by showcasing your company and some of your innovative projects through our communication channels. New members automatically receive a LinkedIn post and a presentation pitch at the AVENIA AGM.

Access to channel programs

Become a member Become a member

We offer you the opportunity to join our industry programs (reserved for our members) to become part of value chains and help overcome technological or methodological obstacles.

Access to our events


The concept? Companies submit innovation topics in the field of underground industries to teams of students, who have 24 hours to work on them and come up with original solutions.

Preferential rate

Annual business convention dedicated to the underground industries, bringing together a wide range of players: SMEs and major groups, investors and insurance companies, research and training organizations, regional, national, European and international contributors, incentive and federative structures, user industries, professionals with an interest, general public...


Event reserved for AVENIA members. Based on the model of our Innovation Clubs, we want this Club to be a forum for exchanging and sharing best practices, and to generate joint actions around the subject of communication on our underground exploration/exploitation projects (media, targets, messages, indicators, etc.).

Access to exclusive services at preferential rates

  • Participation in collective stands
  • Participation in joint studies
  • Project consortia integration
  • Representing your organization at trade events


- Projects submitted
- Labelled projects
- projects financed
- M€ of projects financed

Labeling your innovative projects

By entering into a labeling process for your innovative project (reserved for our members), we assess the strengths and weaknesses of your project, thanks to our committee of experts. Once you've obtained the label, you'll have easier access to public funding.

Labeling your innovative products/services

Paying service reserved for our members. Cost: 1,500 euros excluding VAT.

Access to the monthly newsletter

Become a member Become a member