AVENIA is the mouthpiece of its members in Brussels!

AVENIA, as the trusted third party, offers a personalized support through two new services: the “Support - Europe” & the “Support – International.”

The objective is to promote AVENIA’s members’ development by bringing their voices in Brussels, at the heart of European strategies talks.

To do so, we offer an additional service, with at least 3 qualified meetings in a day, or in a different format according to the objective. 

In March, AVENIA, with the support of the Representation of Nouvelle-Aquitaine in Brussels, accompanied Nicolas Pélissier, President of 45-8 Energy, for the initiative earth2. Among the interlocutors, there were:

- CleanHydrogen Partnership, with Pedro Guedes de Campos, Claudiu Pavel, Nikolaos Lymperopoulos & Pierre Michel

- Hydrogen Europe association, with Stephen Jackson & Basien Cantalloube 

- The Délégation Générale du Québec à Bruxelles, with André Patrocinio, Audrey Jean & Stéphanie Roy 

- DG GROW of the European Commission, with Peter Handley, Gerardo Herrera & Cecilia Serrano

- DG CLIMA of the European Commission, with Christian Holzleitner


This mission was the occasion to mention the subsurface hydrogen, whether geological storage or natural hydrogen.

Our dependance on energy and raw materials, reinforces the need to develop a strong European subsurface sector. We could benefit, in this context of crisis, from an attentive listening.

Concerning natural hydrogen, its numerous advantages, as a decarbonated energy, have been presented. This topic particularly interested our interlocutors, who, for most of them, discovered its existence.

Concerning the storage, its important capacities and the need to take into account the time it takes for its implementation (& so the need to anticipate), have been reminded.

Contacts are made, informative messages are heard and pieces of advice to progress towards European objectives are collected. earth2 now needs to come back to them with guidelines on the potential of natural hydrogen in Europe.


Thus, after aLiNA’s success in September and earth2's success this month, AVENIA stands by its members’ to collect the key information for the development of their activities, to reinforce their visibility and to promote their activities at the European and International scales.

Other international actions are also being dealt with, notably with Quebec and Spain, to capitalize on the relationships developed during the GEODAYS.

If you want to benefit from this service of development at the European and International scales, please contact: emmanuelle.robins@pole-avenia.com 

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